Not the start I was looking for, in fact, it didn't start at all. Now the ice as gone and the
temperature is back in the plus numbers I thought I'd give Dove's motor a turn. After flattening the batteries and burning out the starter motor, I decided to look
elsewhere for the problem. First choice, injectors. took them out, had a look, not very good so took them to a friend of a friend. They were sorted in a couple days and only a tenner each too. The starter motor was a different story though, complete re-build £165!!!!plus VAT!!!!! This is
definitely not a good start to the year.
After re-fitting all the bits, still no go, so what now? The only thing left is compression. After removing the air intake and turning the engine over, I noticed smoke coming from the intake valve, that means more valve grinding. I've only just done Achilles, I hate valve grinding.

On removing the heads it wasn't that bad with carbon but valve seats
aren't too clever, quite a bit of pitting. Yesterday I spent a full day valve grinding and today re-assembled everything. The head
gaskets are made from 10 thou copper sheet, these have to be
annealed, very carefully I might say. If I melted these it would have really made my day.

After the re-assembly and priming the fuel system it's time to push the button....nothing, blast or words to that
effect.WHAT NOW!!!!